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Approved bats

Due to advances in equipment technology, the game of softball has evolved into a fast paced game capable of producing ball speeds in excess of 100mph off of a bat.

There is inherent risk in playing this game. However, to minimize that risk, Nebraska Senior Softball has adopted USA rules governing the use of approved bats. ALL PLAYERS must be aware of what constitutes a legal bat for league play.

First, all bats must have an USA logo, but ASA bats are grandfathered in. ASA approved bats must have a visible stamp, such as these:
ASA Certification Marks

USA bats must have a visible stamp, such as this:
USA Certification Mark

Here is the rule, as written in the NSS Rules and Guidelines:
Bat Standards: Except as noted below, Nebraska Senior Softball follows the bat specifications of USA. Bats must bear the USA certification mark and not be on either the USA non-approved bat list or ASA non-approved bat list (links below) . USA bats specifically approved by manufacturer and model number will be permitted even though the USA label has worn off, so long as the model is identifiable (umpire’s judgment). Each bat shall be visibly inspected and tagged (sticker on the bat barrel) by a board member or umpire before being placed into the game. If a player is not sure of their bat being legal, given it has the USA stamp, they can go to the following web-sites to verify. These web-sites contain all non-approved USA stamped bats. If a player has any questions, they should contact the Director of Rules and Umpires.

Certified Equipment

Umpires discovering altered or non-approved bats will:
a. If noticed prior to the batter entering the batter’s box, issue a warning to the player and to the team. No out is declared. The bat must be replaced.
b. If noticed after the batter enters the batter’s box, declare a dead ball out and issue a warning to the player and team.
c. If discovered after the first pitch to the next batter, no out is declared. Warning is issued to the team.
d. If the next batter also uses a non-approved bat, above actions apply only to him.
e. Once a player is warned, subsequent usage of an illegal bat during the season will result in ejection from the game.
NSS does not use bat compression testing with the understanding that the NSS Board will act on all complaints until a final decision is made.
Exception: Players who will reach the age of 70 or greater in the calendar year and all women may use any bat with a BPF rating of 1.21 or less. e.g. Miken Ultra II and Senior Combats are allowed. These bats must be labeled with a league-approved tag to preclude unintended use by teammates.

Refer to this link for a list of
ASA Non-Approved Bats

Refer to this link for a list of
USA Non-Approved Bats

(yes, there are a few).