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NSS July Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Summary

The Nebraska Senior Softball Board of Directors holds monthly meetings year-round. Complete meeting minutes are available here.
Below is a summary of the July meeting.

Open Board Member Position Voting

Member voting for nominated candidates for the NSS Board will now be conducted online only.   A two-week voting window will open on Monday, August 5 and end on Sunday, August 19, 2019.  Resumes will be posted online for NSS Member review.

Players may self-nominate by sending their resumes to a Board Member prior to the League Picnic on Monday, July 29.  Players nominated by others at the picnic have until August 5 to get their resume to a League Board Member who will then coordinate posting to the League website.


Fall Season Registration

Registration ends July 28!  Registrations AND Payment must be received by that deadline.    Fall Ball will cost $75.00 for the 2019 Season.  New Player Skills Testing is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, August 5 and 6.

Fall Season begins Monday, August 12 with 10 Monday and 11 Wednesday games planned.

Weather Concerns

AccuWeather is currently used as the source for determining the forecast Heat Index.   The local weather sources may significantly differ so a National source is used.   If the Heat Index is predicted to be over 105 degrees at the 6:15 PM gametime, we will not risk lives to the extreme heat and games will be cancelled.  The Board will attempt to send a morning email alerting players of the possibility of cancellations due to heat, and a final emailed decision will be made at 4:00 PM.  In addition, the website will be updated and all managers will be directly contacted so that they can coordinate with their respective teams.


Golf Tournament

The annual Golf Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, August 18 at Tara Hills  Register through the NSS website Golf Tournament page.  Each member of each foursome needs to register and then complete the payment transaction.  The link to the registration and the link to Paypal are all on the NSS website Golf Tournament page.

If you do not have a team, the registration form will allow you to request to be placed on a team.



“Hit and Sit” – Beginning with the Fall Season, the requirement for the batter and runners to advance to the next base after a home run is removed.   Once the home run is realized, the batter and runners can return to the dugout.

Inherited Pinch Running Eligibility – When a player is substituted, the exiting player’s status for pinch running is inherited by the incoming player. For example, if the exiting player has already pinch run in the game, the incoming player immediately becomes ineligible to pinch run.


Retention Committee

The player recent survey indicated that most players have an overall positive experience with the League.  However, to keep the League strong, some ideas have been floated for player retention.  A committee is being formed to address retention actions after the end of the season.


NSS Annual League Summer BBQ

The 2019 Summer BBQ will held on Monday, July 29 from 6:00 to 10:00 PM at Elmwood Park. This event is used for Board member elections and there will be no cost for players.  All players are welcome and strongly encouraged to attend.