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Voting for Annual Awards


It’s that time of year again! Time to vote for your choice of “above and beyond” members of our league. There are three different awards to vote on (listed below). Please take the time to read about each award, then vote for whomever you think best represents each category. Your vote does not necessarily have to be for someone from your own team. The award winners will be recognized at the upcoming annual NSS Banquet which in on Friday, November 10.

The system will allow you to vote more than once, however only your FINAL vote will count. This allows you to change your mind, but not “stuff the ballot box.”

These awards always mean a lot to whomever is lucky enough to be the recipient. There are plenty of qualified players and managers for each of these awards, so please take the time to vote for whomever you think is most deserving.

Voting has been extended through Saturday, October 21st, 2023.

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2023 NSS Awards Voting

Please read the descriptions of each award and consider who you think the best choice for each one is. Then click on the button below to record your votes.

Denny Zakovec Spirit Award

This player respects the umpires, their opponents, and the League as a whole. The have enthusiasm, celebrate the accomplishments of every individual, and they are often the first person players think of when they are asked about the League’s top ambassador.

Manager of the Year Award

This manager has readiness for each game in preparing lineups, utilizing players in a fair and equitable manner. They also have a high level of communication with his or her players. This manager may or may not have the best record, but they get the most from their players regardless of the talent level. If there is a manager of a different team that you think deserves this award, feel free to vote for them.

Teammate of the Year Award

This player is a consummate teammate. They are upbeat, encouraging, positive, and approachable. They don’t have to be the best hitter, fielder, or all around player. This player is noticed when they are absent from a game. They sometimes motivate, encourage, and display sportsmanship regardless of score or outcome. You do not have to vote for a member of your own team. If there is a player on a different team that you think deserves this award, feel free to vote for them.

Each player should have received an email with the link to vote. The link is unique to each player, so anyone that uses that link will overwrite your vote.