5 years in the league
What talents/skills do you possess that will benefit Nebraska Senior Softball?
I have an extensive background in serving on various boards before joining the Senior Softball Nebraska board. With eight years of experience on the SID Sarpy County Board and a current active role on this board, as well as serving as President for two years and a board member for three on the Sioux City Softball Board, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.
Coupled with my extensive business ownership and marketing experience, I am confident in my ability to propel the league forward and ensure its continued growth. I firmly believe that by managing the league like a successful business, we can secure its future for generations to come.
Briefly state why you wish to hold an Office/Position on the NSS Board of Directors:
As a one-year board member, I have absorbed invaluable insights from experienced league members. I am optimistic about the prospect of enhancing the league through sponsorships and necessary field improvements. If elected as commissioner, I will bring a confident and professional approach to all engagements, always keeping an eye on the future. While inevitable challenges may arise, I firmly believe that taking proactive steps is vital to progress and growth.
3 years in the league
What talents/skills do you possess that will benefit Nebraska Senior Softball?
Open mind, leadership, common sense, laid back approach to problem solving
Briefly state why you wish to hold an Office/Position on the NSS Board of Directors:
I will accept a position if voted onto the board
Reasons for running go here
1 year in the league
What talents/skills do you possess that will benefit Nebraska Senior Softball?
4 years in the league
What talents/skills do you possess that will benefit Nebraska Senior Softball?
I think I will bring a very business like, pragmatic and hopefully logical approach to the board and league. As a military veteran, I like structure and leadership working for the best of the common group.
3 years in the league
What talents/skills do you possess that will benefit Nebraska Senior Softball?
16 years in the league
What talents/skills do you possess that will benefit Nebraska Senior Softball?
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If you are heading out of town for any reason, reserve a room at a Choice hotel (www.choicehotels.com), and use the NSS Discount Code of 00228550. That gets you a discounted room rate, plus 100% of the earnings is money back to our league to help keep costs down. Feel free to share the code with friends and family!
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If you are heading out of town for any reason, reserve a room at a Choice hotel (www.choicehotels.com), and use the NSS Discount Code of 00228550. That gets you a discounted room rate, plus 100% of the earnings is money back to our league to help keep costs down. Feel free to share the code with friends and family!
Senior slow pitch softball for men and women who are 50+ as of 12/31.
Visit Calendar -> Summary to see this years high level schedule. The summer schedule for MW night league will be available in early April.
New players must be evaluated before the draft. More information is available on the calendar summary
Qarius dui, quis posuere nibh ollis quis. Mauris omma rhoncus rttitor. http://domain.com
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