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Chaplain Corps

The Nebraska Senior Softball Chaplain Corps was started in March 2025 to provide service to any softball player or their family. This may be, but not limited to, bereavement, weddings, divorce, or faith-based support.

The Chaplain Corps members are:

Rory Cobbs – brief bio forthcoming

Bryan Galloway – Bryan Galloway (B.A., M-Div., D-Min.) has served in a pastoral role since 1983 as a Youth Pastor, Senior Pastor, and Associate Pastor to Seniors in four different churches: First Baptist Church of Ocean Beach (renamed OB1 Church) in San Diego, California; First Baptist Church of Dannebrog, Nebraska; Calvary Church of the Pacific (renamed Aiea Heights Church) in Aiea, Hawaii; and currently at Harvey Oaks Baptist Church (renamed Converge Church) in Omaha, Nebraska. For a few years, he served as a chaplain for the Omaha Police Department and was active on the night of the Van Maur mass shooting in 2007. Bryan has been married to Lois for 42 years, and they have two children and a grandson. Bryan has played in the NSS league for 14 years and has officiated at a wedding, and a funeral for people in the league or connected to it. Bryan looks forward to serving on the NSS Chaplain Corps.

Larry Peterson – Larry Peterson has actively served in Christian ministry for the past 31+ years. Larry was credentialed through the Assemblies of God denomination were he was licensed for ministry. As a member of Bellevue Christian Center (BCC), Larry served on the church board for 8 years. Upon receiving his ministry credentials he was appointed by the Church Board as Executive Pastor overseeing church & school finances, facility management and security. Additionally, Larry was Pastor to the Seniors (50+ yrs) where he and his wife started the Season Saints ministry in 2004 thru 2017. In addition Larry has continued in ministry in various capacities as Chaplain since in 2000 to Nebraska Senior Softball as appointed by our founder and first Commissioner Dave Banghart. Larry has ministered to numerous NSS players over the past 25 years to include officiating funerals, weddings and on field prayer services. Currently, Larry and his wife are now ministering at New Beginnings Worship Center in Bellevue, Neb. My wife and I have been married for 52 years, have two sons, nine grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

Gary Russell – Gary Russell is a second career pastor having worked in the computer industry for 15 years before entering full-time Christian Ministry. He has held credentials in the Christian & Missionary Alliance for over 25 years and currently serves the aging adult population at Christ Community Church. He has served as a lead pastor and also served a number of organizations in the past as a chaplain including fire departments, 4-H groups and a Rotary Club. His duties and special skills include funerals, weddings, marriage counseling, and end of life preparation for those of all ages. Gary is also responsible for the furthering of intergenerational ministry especially in helping the younger generations engage with the aging population to communicate about the desires and expectations of their aging parents as they navigate long-term care. Gary is a Certified Presenter of Five Wishes (www.fivewishes.org), a legal way to document those who will make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable to do so for yourself (Healthcare Power of Attorney) and create an advance care directive (Living Will) in case you cannot speak to your own desires in later stages of life. The services are provided without any consulting or legal fees. Gary is readily available to talk and pray for any of your immediate and ongoing needs.

Please email chaplains@neseniorsoftball.com for confidential help or if you have questions. Your email will be delivered to all of the Corps members. One of them will reply to your email.