Tom Holder
The Director of Marketing, Publicity, and Communications spearheads efforts at ensuring the league remains viable and sustainable. Primary duties and responsibilities include promoting the league within the immediate geographical area in order to foster growth and nationally, to showcase the Nebraska Senior Softball (NSS) league and the sport of softball. The role includes establishing and maintaining relationships with local public figures, media, businesses, and other entities beneficial to the health of the league.
This position is responsible for providing timely and relevant communications, primarily via email and through the effective management of the ‘League News’ section of the website. These communications should contain information that includes (but is not limited to) meetings, events, announcements, and other details that have broad appeal and interest.
In addition to the primary functions of the role, the Director, Marketing, Publicity, and Communications manages the Corporate Partnership program and ensures agreed upon services, advertisement, and/or social events are carried out promptly and as promised in exchange for monetary contributions. Tertiary duties include contributing to the success of social events beneficial to the league membership such as picnics, parades, Night Out with the Stormchasers, and other meaningful programs.
The Director has the authority to recruit and oversee the creation of committees to manage or contribute to the success of the Marketing and Publicity strategy.
The Director of Marketing, Publicity, and Communications consults with the Board before making any decisions or making any commitments impacting league finances or budget and includes all voting members on correspondence and communication directly related to the role.
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If you are heading out of town for any reason, reserve a room at a Choice hotel (, and use the NSS Discount Code of 00228550. That gets you a discounted room rate, plus 100% of the earnings is money back to our league to help keep costs down. Feel free to share the code with friends and family!
Senior slow pitch softball for men and women who are 50+ as of 12/31.
Visit Calendar -> Summary to see this years high level schedule. The summer schedule for MW night league will be available in early April.
New players must be evaluated before the draft. More information is available on the calendar summary
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